Tuesday, December 19, 2006

2007 is 35th Anniversary Internationally

The Université du 3ième âge - is a concept that has circled the globe and flourished since it first developed in Toulouse, France, in 1972. It is often called U3A in the UK and Australia.

AIUTA (International Association of Universities of the Third Age) was founded in France, and now maintains a connection among similar programs internationally.

In Australia where geography can be daunting, U3A Online was created as the world-first virtual University of the Third Age delivering online learning via the Internet. They state that “All that's needed to study online is access to a computer with an Internet connection - and some basic computing skills. Our courses are open to all older people anywhere in the world. They are especially suited to older members of the community who are isolated either geographically, or through physical or social circumstances (including carers).”

In China the Association of Universities for the Aged, (CAUA) has an important role in developing programs. With 19,300 programs and 1.81 million members now involved, Chinese retirees are very active in enjoying education opportunities.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Around the World -- Learning in Retirement

The concept of peer-learning for retirees and those approaching retirement is not new, although the organized approach involving universities has roots in conference held in 1972 in France. A British organization called the U3A Trust, helps to connect various local efforts. Many international organizations use terminology which translates in English as the University of the Third Age - and is abbreviated as U3A.

In Canada each organization seems to have a unique name (as unique as the regions of Canada themselves). Some of the names include
  • L.I.F.E Institute -- Learning is For Ever
  • Of Course You Can
  • Learning in Retirement
  • Université du 3ième âge – Sudbury
  • Later Life Learning Kingston
  • Creative Retirement Manitoba
  • ElderCollege Chilliwack
  • ElderWeb Alberta
  • National Academy of Older Canadians
The organization in Canada, which is uniting similar educational organization for 50+ learners, is CATALIST

Welcome to Seniors College of Prince Edward Island

Seniors College of PEI - is affiliated with UPEI, and offers a variety of educational opportunities for member of the 50+ organization. Based on the peer-learning model it is a great way to have fun and learn new things.
Check it out through our website.